Friday, October 29, 2010

2nd mommy class....

it was raining when i headed to the clinic...and i was drowsy sbb lately mlm tak bley tdo ( a bit early for that kata 3rd trimester baru susah tdo)...anyway kali 9 org tak paricipate..nurse kata sebab hujan kot and again...the saying that japanese people are always punctual isn't always masing2 ada jijyou masing2 kan...kena urus hubby and other kids baru leh kluar rumah class start lambat and hbs 30 min lambat...

the mommy class this time was a disappointment to new info...they had the doctors come in to give talks tapi it was more like 'leteran' instead of 'you need to know this' one of the slots the pediatrician came and before the class he had them do a survey of mothers who had people who smoke living with them... turns out about 30% of the mothers did... doc tu cakap dulu2 usually it was 50-60% tapi sekrg dah turun but nowadays it's usually 30%....and then he gave us a lecture of how we were all 'baka' (stupid) mothers who don't have the right to be parents because we let our partners etc. smoke... and that we should them choose to give up smoking or make them move out.... don't get me wrong... i'm not rooting for the smokers..but i kinda know what it's like to get someone to stop but you can't and frankly you can't live if that person isn't around..ok..i'm babling and i'm gonna stop now... bukan nya ape..i found his 'iikata' (the way he said it) a bit offensive... his talk was about 20 minutes and he kept calling us baka...when i looked around all the other mothers had their heads held down cm budak darjah satu kena marah ngan cikgu....seriously?

okay so apart from the smoking issue pediatrician tu cakap pasal allergies...dia suruh kurangkan makan telur dan minum susu...bukan stop ye kawan2...kurangkan....because these foods tend to cause allergies.... and then dia cakap pasal breastmilk..saying which we all know is the best choice for baby..but he stressed on the fact that we shouldn't be too set on being exclusive...because this might become a problem if the mother cannot provide enough for the baby... it can harm the mother emotionally and the baby nutritionally if the mother refuses to let the baby get formula even though her milk isn't enough... and then he talked about weaning...and he actually told us that his eldest son was breastfed for 6 years.... saying that we should let the child tell us when he wants to stop....6 years and then he said every mother should have a good book on 'kosodate' (bringing up children) ...afterwards saying that we should get a good 'japanese' kosodate book..and not the ones from overseas...mula2 ingat dia biased...rupanya sebab dia kata buku overseas ni selalunya bila di'translate'kan...maksud dia jd i agree with him on that....

and then datanglag the OBGYN tu...who happens to be the pediatricians wife...haha small world kan...she was telling us that touching our bellies and talking to the baby is important...and that giving birth is all about the right breathing techniques....and that's all about i got from her....

and then the bidan lak start cakap....her talk was mostly about prep for the hospitalization... brg ape kena bawak ( but that all depends on the hosp kan) koishi sediakan baju for mommy and baby including underwear tau... so all we need to bring is the baju utk baby masa nk discharge and baju spare for mommy if she needs it.... but you probably won't because they do your laundry for you daily( all part of the package)...waaaaa....tapi saya tak merasalah haha.......

lepas tu dietician punya turn lak....dapat sample susu cm 'anmum' versi jepun perisa cafe tak berani minum.... it turns out i've been eating way to many fruits...ingatkan okay ...turns out it's not okay because fruits have a lot of sugar.... imagine one orange a day....not per serving tau...heck i've been eating like 3 oranges skali hadap..... and then lapar je cr fruits...rupanya too much...hiiii...

and that was about it...... next class pasal breathing techniques..punyalah nak bwk hubby skali org tu tak bagi sebab he won't be around during the birthing process....hmmmm

Monday, October 18, 2010

The 5th prenatal check-up

today pegi check up's current gestational age 19 weeks and 6 days...

as usal the day started of the routine blood pressure check-up and urine test
bp: 132/78 (妥当=normal)
protein in urine: ±(the amount has decreased since last month but it's still there)
sugar in urine: -
weight: + 700 g (naik sikit but still lighter than what i weighed at 11 weeks)
edema: -
height of uterus: 19cm
circumference of abdomen: 94cm

instructions for this month....same like last month 減塩水... kurangkan garam bnykkan minum air...
baby is healthy..this time dah tak measure CRL dah..diorang measure BPD (biparietal diameter), FL(femur length), ngan AC(abdominal cicumference)je...n dari situ diorg calculate baby punya EFW (estimated fetal weight)

so baby's measurements as of today are
BPD:48.1mm (GA:20w 4d)
FL:31.7mm (GA:20w 1d)
AC:159.5mm (GA:21w 3d)
EFW:361g (GA:20w 5d)

the doctor said that the baby is bit big....but kak ainun said baby msia ni mmg org jepun slalu kategorikan sbg besar pun compared tu baby no long as he or she is healthy...pastu nak amik 3D tak ley sbb baby gerak bnyk sgt nanti gambar tak lawa kata doktor...saa sempat lah tgk pandangan sisi muka baby td...rasanya hidung abah dia...sbb tak penyet like mommy dia punya hihi....doc tanya 'dh rasa blom baby tendang'....haa yang ni tatu lah nak ckp...because i don't know if what i feel tu baby tgh gerak ke ape...saa...kita tunggu dan lihat je lah...

as for more morning sickness....the headaches have also gone away...symptom terbaru.... tak boleh tdo terlentang...sakit belakang..mesti tdo mengiring and i get up 2 to 3 times to switch positions..i mean get up...sedar bangun n pusing ok...bukan just tukar posisi....but other than that i guess it'S true what they say the second trimester is so much better than the first...hiiiiii

hubby's new toy....

hubby's got a new toy....his new iphone 4...dah lama dh dpt tp skang br nak cite skit about that 'thing'...u should have seen him the day we went to the softbank shop to pick it up.....dlm kete tu dia dah sibuk nak pasang the cover we bought earlier that day dekat yamada denki...tak sempat2 nak balik umah dulu...takut calar datte...masa tu gelak je la kan haha....

then bila sampai rumah he made me put the protective cover on the screen... i'm not good with sagyo2 yang komakai ni...but he insisted so buat jugak la.....n then i did the unthinkable... i accidentally dropped the 'thing' should have seen his face...tergamam...dia punya lah nak jaga benda tu n i dropped it....i dropped it....aisehhhh...

later that night we went over to the boys place...sbb ada org tu nak berguru...then came the excitement over the apps n games n what not kan...i admit saya pun jd muchuu jap...

i wasn't until later that i started feeling this slight resentment towards the you all know my hubby spends a lot of time at lab the litlle amount of time that i have to talk to him is usually before we sleep kan...well sejak ada that 'thing'...dia main game on the bed...mcm mane nak pillow talk kan....can anybody seriously tell me that they won't feel even the slightest ache to want to throw that 'thing' away...or perhaps lock it up sampai esok pagi? can you?

baru skrg i understand how my cousins very sweet wife pun bley rasa nk baling her husband's PS2..same thing different a liitle advice to the guys out there...we get that you want to get rid of your stress..and we get that new toys are really exciting...but our patience has a limit..and if that 'thing' takes away even a little bit of  what little precious time that we get out of your hectic lives...even the most understanding wife would get a little pissed.....

mood swings....

hmmmm....kalau nak ikutkan..mood swings haven't affected me much...tapi jadi overly sensitive tu yes....compared to before i got pregnant mcm 10X lg sensitive kot...hehe..sian hubby...silap ckp sikit je meraung la saya....

the other day...dok mengemas baju2...deciding which ones to give away n which one to keep n which one to mestilah try satu2 kan...n i asked hubby...'rasa2 nye blh pakai lagi tak baju ni?'...n hubby deary terjawab in a way that made me feel FAT....i mean really FAT...bila pkir2 blk ape yang dia ckp tu tak imply pun that i'm fat...i was just over sensitive...and me being a a stage where i don't really look pregnant.. i just look like i have a big spare tire around my super duper rasa like i'm FAT la kan....ape lagi meraung la lepas tu...

took a pic while i was trying out the clothes tp hubby dh bwk camera ke US so tak ley nak upload hua hua hua.....