Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The 7th and final prenatal check-up @ Koishi..

was actually looking forward to this check-up because today i was supposed to get my 'green light' to get on plane and head home...supposedly.... well let's just say my expectations went down hill and my blood pressure shot up sometime after the urine and bp test (seb baik dah test bp..klu tak ..tak pasal2 jadi benda lain lak).....ohh and i got a diff. doc today..the one i had the first few times i came in the 院長....

bp : 119/63 ( a bit on the low side )
sugar in urine : -
protein in urine : -
edema : -
height of uterus : 28 (+ 1cm)
circumference of abdomen : 96.5 (+ 0.5cm)
weight : + 1.5kg (so total of weight gained = -1.1+0.7+1.1+1.5 = 2.2kg....ada lagi 11 minggu...can i keep it  under 5kg???)

next came the ultrasound... masa scan td nak mintak doc buat 3D...baru nak cakap dh kluar gambar 3D kat skrin...jd kita senyap je la kan...nampak lah seme pipi dia bambam tgh senyum n then doc tekan transducer n dia buat muka grumpy mencebik... excited nak tunjuk kat hubby... little did i know that when got up to leave she just handed me this one piece...this one lonely piece...mana gambar2 3D td... but it was too late...

baby's progress:
BPD = 77.4mm (GA:31w)
FL = 52.2mm (GA:29w3d)
AC = 257.6mm (31w4d)
EFW = 1536g (GA:30w3d)

and seperti biasa..kena lecture ngan doc suruh jaga weight gain... and again the remarks on how big the baby was... oh ya i think i mentioned that i've been having abdominal pain under my right ribcage in my last entries...well i did some looking up on the issue on the net..and yes people say don't believe everything you read on the net right...well anyway since the last time i mentioned it the doc just shrugged i wanted answers... some moms said it's growing pains, gas or indigestion and then there came the term HELLP syndrome which kinda scared me coz it's pretty serious... and the only way to get out of it is to have a c-sec immediately..... haaaaaa...of course lah cuak today i asked the doc again mentioning that the pain doesn't occur only after meals like it used to but has now become constant.... i can't sit up  for more than 15 minutes... i pain is only relieved if i lie on my left side or on my back...takkan nak berbaring je memanjang kan.... mcm mana nak naik flight 7 jam cam ni...i think i'll have to get up and jalan jalan dlm plane a lot lah mcm ni....hahaha...anyway doc says it's the uterus pushing against stomach... she didn't seem to be concerned about it...but just in case...balik msia nanti nak suh doc kat msia check btul2...frustrating lah doc yang tak explain lebih medlm ni.... all they care about is getting you in and out of the exam room as fast as they can so they can tend to the next woman...

after that came the part that made me more frustrated.... they didn't write my 紹介状 (letter of introduction) that i need to give to the doc in msia or the 診断書 (medical certificate) that i need to board the plane next tuesday...even though i've been mentioning it to them since the last 3 prenatal visits... the doc claims that it's not in my chart...kalau lah tak ne nurse blh tny masa dtg td 'hari ni dtg utk ambik document je ke nak check skali?'..meaning they knew the documents were due today kan..... seriously? ... is it just me... are my expectations too high... today's appointment date was chosen by the last doc to prepare the documents...not bu me..and still.... pastu ada problem communication between the doc and receptionist plak...2 3 kali receptionist tu kena masuk keluar bilik kakunin ngan doc... well enough about benda2 tak best ni

mari kita tgk benda len plak

hahaha..ini saiz tangan baby kitorg... kurang sikt lah dr 4cm.... seronok plak tgk...walaupun tak real just an estimation tapi terasa kecik sgt...

on by the way korg dah tgk cite ni?

bukanlah nak promote sgt pun.... tp ada satu part tu...part puss in boots keluar dr tempat dia nyorok...mula nampak mata je....skali kluar2 cm ni haa

anyway masa tgk dia struggle nak bangun dr bantal dia.... well that's how i feel...phm sgt perassan ko puss in boots... dh lah skang slalu terlentang kan sbb bila duduk sakit kat tulang rusuk tu..bila nak pusing mcm tu lah.... not to mention side view badan saya pun sebijik mcm dia haaaaaaahahahaha...

ok lah kena pi masuk dapur..tinggal a few more days je i get to cook for hubby.. sedey naaaaaa

Monday, December 13, 2010

busy busy busy day....

selepas trip ke 免許センター ditunda sekali n a little problem (rupanya boleh 更新 lesen untuk org tua ngan org naik lesen GOLD time read the fine print syaz!!!) we encountered yesterday...finally finally....saya sekarang pemegang lesen biru hak hak hak...... no more lesen hijau....hihi

mesti korg tgh pkir kan apelah lesen biru lesen hijau ni...haaaaa...lesen hijau tu utk pemeggang lesen bawah dua tahun...tak kira lah org tu lesen P ke atau mcm saya bukan lesen P tp baru tukar lesen jepun dia dpt lesen hijau...n after 2 years you get to go through what i just went through... a 2 hour lecture...and get a new spick and span lesen biru

lecture tu kasi refresh balik rules semasa memandu di jalan raya....siap ada video lagi on different types of scenarios that might cause accidents... bnyk jugak statistik keluar td... pasal  penyebab utama kematian... umur mangsa2 kemalangan... statistik tentang bilangan kematian yang dapat dicegah sekiranya mangsa memakai tali pinggang keledar...n mcm2 lagi... tp yang paling diorg 注目 (pay attention) skali pasal drunk driving...

after the lecture ended the man in charge called out our names and gave us our new licenses...and the dia suruh gi check kat data kata mesin sebab start bulan 10 hari tu lesen baru ni semua ada IC siap ada 暗証番号 lagi... mcm2 la....

anyway petang ni nak ke 豊橋港 sana tu ...nak gi  入国管理....nak kena settle benda lain plak...just waiting for hubby to get back from lab...dah settle seme ni then i can breathe easier...less than 2 weeks to go.....bye bye japan

Thursday, December 9, 2010

mommy's best buddy.....

introducing mommy's new tummy tummy belt is very good at bearing weight... .especially the weight of the little bundle of joy in her mommy's poor back gets a bit of rest. when mommy puts mr . tummy belt on it looks like this....

when mommy went to the baby shop the other day she was already interested in buying a tummy belt but was sceptical that it would really help relieve some of the pressure on her back...the sales lady came around and picked a size for her and she tried it was mommy did wonders.... mommy says it feels like someone was holding her tummy for her...hahaha...

the sales lady recommended mommy get one of these 'haramaki's to keep her tummy warm...but since mommy is going back in 3 weeks mommy said it was unecessary since malaysia is hot....

the sales lady also showed momy several other types of support underwear like girdles and such but mommy wasn't interested because she wanted something like mr. tummy belt that was easy to put on and mommy has bad memories of when she was younger and her mommy would make her wear girdles so she would be slimmer and they always ended up rolling down around the waist area...yikes ...uncomfortable....

mommy says she's very happy with mr. tummy belt and will continue wearing him whenever she feels the need to do so...

the kitchen is not my friend....again....

roti canai yang ku idam idamkan...hihhihi

don't know if it's a relapse of the first trimester...but i've started losing my appetite again...and the ticking clock shows that it's almost 6pm...nak tak nak kena masuk dapur jugak...klu tak nak bg mkn ape kat hubby kan...i think mlm ni kena start balik tanya si dia hari2 nak makan ape...beacause the taught of food is starting to make me want to barf again....just like masa first trimester dulu.... there's only one thing i really wanna eat right now....ROTI CANAI....tak pe2 sabar2 lagi 3 weeks insyAllah merasa la roti canai kasi banjir satu hahahahaha......kenapalah restoran india kat jepun ni tak jual ek?hihi...serious tak mo masuk dapur...tapi tak mo makan luar.....huaaaaa....shoganainaaaa

Friday, December 3, 2010

i think i over did it.....

mentang2 lah second trimester ni has been going really well....lansung tak sedar tahap kemampuan diri sendiri.....

last wednesday pergi jd drebar untuk budak lab baru hubby yang baru sampai ngan family dia dr india  yang nak beli brg2 masuk umah.... hubby budget it will take only 2 machigai....haha last2 it took 9 hours...biasalah kan banyak nak beli...dan ni shopping utk family...nak beli futon set je dah sejam kamo... i was expecting tak terkejut pun...and yang peliknya...dah hantar diorg balik ke hotel baru nak rasa penat....

today pulak ada tetamu nak datang tumpang dr last week dok mengemas umah....sbb skang tgh dlm proses packing keadaan umah ni lagi hidoi dr biasa...n me being someone yang not very good at housekeeping...well ...let's just say it took me awhile to get it cleared....

anyway ...back to the 'knowing your limits' subject...pregnant women PLEASE refrain fromgetting down on your arms and knees to clean the floor...coz that's what i did..and seriuos sakit gile belakang semlm...when i straightened my back rasa mcm tulang ter'snap'...awwwww.... n then pergi pandai2 isi beras dlm bekas beras because hubby dearie terlupa nak buat sebelum gi lab....haa bagus...

kesimpulannya ladies...even though you feel you're strong enough to do these simple2 tasks...there's a reason why doctors and your mother tell you not's all for your own good...nanti jadi like me...sakit badan mcm gi jungke trekking seminggu...hahahaha