Saturday, May 29, 2010

went blog browsing and....

home alone again....hubby deary disappeared to his 'beloved' lab after dinner...gotten used to it you know....but sometimes bordem strikes....and you just have to STRIKE back HARDER...

so i did the usual...fb, mail, and then blog...

and the tgk gambar kat fb opi kena tag ngan andz of the guys yang join abang hisham when he took our wedding pics...small world huh...who would have thought...i knew opi was getting married but didn't know when....congrats to both of them omedetou...

anyway...conclusion of my blog browsing...
1) safra likes blue
2) puan dart...i guess congrats are in order.... take care okay.... ppktj batch 030405 no.2????
3) ramai said uiform kilang tak besh....

and me... i'm busy immersing myself in my own head.... and i still have a loonggggg way to go before i can even be proud to call myself a good housewife.... i think these boxes are gonna be here sampai kitorg pindah nanti hahahahaha....

it seems that we have settled ourselves into a routine...friday night is eat out night....because usually by today i'm too malas to masuk dapur already... and saturday is for grocery shopping and sunday is when i go all out sbb adik isn't around and hubby is usually glued to the sports channel ... so i .....cook undisturbed... this is when i tackle the more tedious recipes...

and one more thing....sayang sgt my hubby coz he's not choosy like me... he eats everything i serve apart from the innards ( hati, limpa, paru...etc) they're a big no no for him... and he doesn't mind NOT eating rice everyday ... so i can feel free to cook up pasta what not...

 in fact one of the first reasons i fell in love with him was when he finished this horrible pumpkin pie i made way back when i was just starting to learn the art of cooking...... and he doesn't even like pumpkin...terharu doh....manis manis bangat sampai saya pun tak leh telan dia leh hbskan.....terharu terharu....

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