Wednesday, September 15, 2010

plus-size & pregnant.....

i'm plus-size ( surprise there) and pregnant!!!!

so how do you know if you're plus-sized? haaaa...sila check kat sini (it's in pounds and feet though so pandai pandai lah convert).... if your bmi is below 18.5 you're underweight, 18.5 - 24.9 = normal, 25.0 - 29.9 = overweight, and above 30 is obese.... i happen to fall into the third category..... never really cared about bmi before you know....

so when i went for my third check-up and the nurse sat me down and told me that my target weight on my due date should be 2 kgs less than what i weigh now i was a bit speechless...yes very speechless...i thought the number she wrote was wrong.... you see i had read earlier at babycenter that if i was overweight i should gain between 15 and 25 pounds ( 6.8 - 11.3 kg )... which made me twice as panicky about the whole thing....

imagine...i have to lose weight while gaining the baby katakanlah baby roughly 3kg and the amniotic fluid and placenta weigh 2kg and i have to lose 2 kg..which all comes down to 7 kg if i wanna be at the target weight on my due date....punyalah tension mlm s few choice words from a fellow pregnant friend didn't help matters.....terus jadi down...

so i talked to my mom and a few other experienced mothers and all of them agreed that being less stressed about the matter would be wiser than me trying to do things that could harm the baby just because i want to lose my current goal is to try and maintain my weight and if i do gain i'll try and keep to about 5kg....i owe the baby that much...TRY....

being overweight before pregnancy means a higher risk for gestational diabetes and preeclampsia and a higher chance for getting big babies but it doesn't mean you can't have a normal beautiful baby.... that much i know..and worrying unnecessarily will just do us both no good.... we plan , we try , but the rest it up to Allah.....


nadia said...

k nadia pon ala2 BMI giri2 gak..nurse jepon mmg amat la kecoh psl berat ni.smp kadang2 tipu berat siket2 sbb bkn diorg tgk pon time timbang mmg try jugak la tak bg naik byk sgt...ganbare!

lumpkins said...

klinik kita punya lah kibishi...kena nurse jugak yang timbangkan...tak leh tipu2 hahaha