Monday, March 14, 2011

Reorganizing the recipe book....

This all started later this evening when my mum suddenly started typing her recipes in her computer... and when she did i quickly asked her for my late grandmother's recipes...the ones she had anyway... the last recipe that i got from Tok was her 'inti karipap' recipe...the karipap that we made every year masa bulan puasa...and our family nye inti lain skit...we use rempah kurma instead of kari...and chunks of meat instead of minced meat...

anyway...Tok's recipe was already printed out and filed but there was something wrong with it.... i used to make fun of Tok's Nasi Dagang recipe cause it was measured in 'cupak' and 'tin laici' s (yes she measured the rice using tins that used to contain syruped lychees)...but i wasn't prepared for 'tahil' or 'hun' ???? i mean i've heared of 'gantang' and 'kati'...

so ape lagi...pak google lah jadi penolong setia....and this is what i found...

16 tahil = 1 kati
1 kati = 600 g
100 kati = 1pikul
1 pikul = 60.48 kg

1 leng = 2 kepul
1 kal = 2 leng
1 cupak = 4 kepul
1 gantang = 4 cupak
4 cupak = ± 2.8kg

seriously....  today first time dengar unit tahil tu.... is it just me or what.... after this kena cari info pasal unit lama for length plak 'ela' ke....

1 comment:

lumpkins said...

baru dapat tau today from my mum that 'gantang' is a unit of it differs in weight for different things... the valua above 1 gantang = 4 cupak = 4*2.8kg is actually for i did some more searching and it appears that in malaysia a gantang of rough rice is equivalent to 2.54 kg....