Saturday, February 6, 2010

メンタル ブレーキダウン

mental lah
masalah komunikasi sikit je.....hahaha

right now....i'm at the part where it seems that there is never enough time...and yes the頭がピリピリなる感覚 has returned...

so here i am 'happily' preparing my slides..and dearest hubby ym's me with various japanese sentences taken form his seniors summary...asking to look over them...tlg check eigo datte..

n now..hours after starting my slide-making activities..i'm still nowhere panicky and frustrated little me....went and ym'ed him just as he was typed in another sentence ... 'yang please, 集中したい'...and so he said 'oooo,ok'...and then senyap je....

me feeling bad after that when and told him i'm sorry but i really need to get this done...still...a long silence...and i panicked again...called him connection...called connection

aaa sudah.....dia marah ke...iyaaaaaa...and i broke down...typical of me kan

finally he answered my call....and he was all bewildered...

rupa rupanya dia dok kat tingkat 4...takde denpa..that's why there was connection...what breaking down over that...dia bleh gelak lagi...oklah now when i think of it ...funny lah jugak kot...

plus kalau i pikir rationally he's not the type that would get mad sampai tak nak jawab phone just because i said i wanted to concentrate on my work....

must be the stress, makes me unrational...

thank you sayang for being ya

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