Harith sayang ....you are 1 month old and so far this is what i know....
- loaf of bread....beacause that's how u looked when u kena bedung
- clockwise...because when u sleep ... you always turn clockwise from ur original position
- awang chik.... awang because my mom says that's what they used to call little boys..kalau girls
diorg panggil che mek... and chik...cause ur kecik...
- tomato man... cause you get red when ur mad
- beetroot...cause Wan says dia jd merah purple cm beetroot not merah merah like a tomato..
- pipi telur puyuh...coz his cheeks have grown to the size and shape of quail eggs...one on each
- popeye....coz ever since we brought him back susah sgt nak tgk dia bukak mata..and when he
finally did..it was with a tenteative peek from the right eye...and then it was the bukak
mata kanan mata kiri tutup look...which my kakak says looks like popeye...so there
you go...
- hiro kun....sbb bday dia sama ngan Ari's current professor... Prof Toda Hiroyuki...we even
contemplated naming him Hiroyuki but decided against that...sbb panjaaang sangat
nanti namanya....haha
- Harith sayang tak suka mandi, tukar pampers dan seangkatan dengannya.... tak suka sejuk kot anak mommy ni....kdg2 mommy tak bukak ur diapers lg pun u dah nangis...mcm tau2 je org nk buat pe.... but once everything is done... you get this contented look on ur face...mcm 'haaaaaaa....dh fresh blk' punya look...
- mommy still tak reti ur signals....aik u ada bg signal ke?... mommy asyik kena 'pancut' je... don't worry ... mommy doesn't mind... i don't know how the washing machine feels though...
- kalau bab lapar...tak reti nak sabar... haaaa.... when ur hungry u will wail like sombody cubit u or something....
- which reminds me...the other day ur grandmother laughingly told me ' haaa...bg lg nama kuat (Harith=kuat)..kuat sungguh... nangis mintak susu kuat, minum kuat, tendang Wan bila lapar kuat...kuat sungguh' and i jokingly said...'haa tu lah...sok sok dpt adik kena bg nama 'sabar' lak...kasi sabar sikit tunggu susu..haha'
- Harith ni special skit...coz u make all these weird sounds that both ur Wan and me agree...we've never heard any other baby make..... sometimes bunyi cm kuda...sometimes bunyi cm kambing...saaa naaa.... tp kitorg dh phm dah...tu signal something is wrong kan....like when ur hot, or when ur diaper ada isi, or even when ur punggung dah jatuh from the bantal which is ur fav tempat tdo....
- bila Harith marah Harith jd merah...cm beet root... and it always starts kat kening...pastu satu muka merah...pastu sampai tangan kaki seme pun merah...
- Harith bnyk gila dpt nickname mainly from ur aunties...
when Harith gets mad...dia jadi beetroot red
- loaf of bread....beacause that's how u looked when u kena bedung
- clockwise...because when u sleep ... you always turn clockwise from ur original position
- awang chik.... awang because my mom says that's what they used to call little boys..kalau girls
diorg panggil che mek... and chik...cause ur kecik...
- tomato man... cause you get red when ur mad
- beetroot...cause Wan says dia jd merah purple cm beetroot not merah merah like a tomato..
- pipi telur puyuh...coz his cheeks have grown to the size and shape of quail eggs...one on each
- popeye....coz ever since we brought him back susah sgt nak tgk dia bukak mata..and when he
finally did..it was with a tenteative peek from the right eye...and then it was the bukak
mata kanan mata kiri tutup look...which my kakak says looks like popeye...so there
you go...
- hiro kun....sbb bday dia sama ngan Ari's current professor... Prof Toda Hiroyuki...we even
contemplated naming him Hiroyuki but decided against that...sbb panjaaang sangat
nanti namanya....haha
- Harith bila tdo sgt lasak..and everyone says that comes from me...on day 10 you started moving in your sleep...you moved 45 degrees clockwise from your original position...
- When i put you on your tummy...you will try your best to turn back...or try nak mengiring.. tak suka meniarap eh...tak boleh lah sayang...kena buat tummy time bagi your leher kuat sikit...
- Kalau kena dukung tak mau org duduk...nak kena diri...and believe me he knows when you're sitting down..sebab dia bising when you sit down...haha...pandai la momma's boy ni..
45 degrees clockwise from origina position
It's been an interesting 1 month... and somehow i love watching you and watching everyone fawn over you... It's interesting to see how your presence changes the people around you... My father your atuk...yang slalu serious tu sekrg cakap ada bunyi2..and it's so funny to watch... when the grandparents get home from work...sure berebut nak pegang cucu... berebut in 'subtle' way mind you... i just pass the baby to my dad and my mum wouls swoop in and take the baby from him.... kesian tak Atuk Harith..haha...
But sometimes rasa sedih...because there are all these things that i said i would try to avoid but in the end i end up doing.... i wanted to fully BF you..but now you get a mixture of both EBM and FM... i wanted you to get a schedule and fall asleep on ur own...that's not happening anytime soon...i didn't want to let you use a pacifier...but ur grandma has been pushing me to get you one and i ran out of alasan to give ur grandma..she just came home yesterday with a puting....aaaaa...
Harith when he tdo baik baik...hihi
Mommy can't wait until your abah gets back and see him see you for the first time... shotaimen tu...slalu dgr suara je kan Harith...tak pun tgk muka kat skype...mana best kan...tak pe saaaat je lagi... abah balik 25hb ni...yeay yeay...
1 comment:
Salam syaz..lawat your blog :) merah gile muke harith time nangis..congratesss dah jd mommy :)
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