Saturday, February 14, 2009

to take tribo.. or not to take tribo.. that is the question

Written 10 days before my finals

another 10 days to exam week... went to fluid dynamics class this morning....had to drag myself out of my house/room. i dread going to this class...why cause i don't have to...but I's a long story...

anyways, i actually found myself smilling on the way there today...all because i answered a particularly hard 加工解析 question before heading out...only to be greeted by a practically empty class...waited waited...and the lecturer never shows up.... while the class dwindles to a mere 10-15 people, my fellow Malaysians apear... and so....the conversation on exams start... we compare the exam schedules...number of papers...and who's got it tougher...

i brought up my problem to ask for their opinion.. why is it i hate coming to this class....because i was forced to...i enrolled for another i have been attending without fail ...then this lecturer comes up and says i should drop the class and attend his , why he better my understanding so that i can answer the questions that he gives us in another class (演習). me being strongheaded....didn't want to bend down...cause if i drop my tribo...i'll loose marks... i already enrolled...

but as the finals comes scarily closer...i decided to attend his class...and now i'm torn...should i or should i not take the tribo exam...should i go the extra mile... i asked mr.h...he said he agrees with teacher...'you should pay attention to the 必修's (the compulsory classes)' he said. on the other hand mr.u while holding the umbrella on the way back said that it would be a waste if i didn't, seeing that my marks will go down, and that heheard the exam was easy....but it's not...and that i'm sure of.

a part of me has already given up...saying i wouldn't do well, even if i took the exam...while the other, the one that's always pushing me to try my best, is creeping up with full force...cheering me on....

stilll no definite course of action

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