Monday, July 13, 2009

Haha..salah salah...

Kelakar how sometimes people think they know what you're thnking. And how they get into this big speech to try to cheer you up...I appreciate the sentiment..showing that you care. Tapi sometimes I just can't help myself bust crack up inside...

The other night, after car trouble and dinner, we were on our way home and I was silently watching the scenery pass by when U said, aku tahu ko ada masalah Syaz, benda cam ni memanglah susah. And I was like ape dia ' I look upset ke?' and on and on he goes about how he noticed what was happening at the fami-resu, and how there are all types of people in the world and if there wasn't then the world would be dull. And how we have to learn to adapt ourselves in order to peacefully coexist and so on and so forth
and then i said ' no you've got it wrong' and he starts hinting at maybe it's concerning the august thing. and i said..tak de kena mengena ngan my sayang or our wedding...i was cracking up inside...serious nak kesian la kan..he was doing his best...trying to cheer me up. so i just smiled and angguk2

so what was it ? what was going through my head?
persoalan : esok nak pi umi tak? funds cukup tak? kalau pi report sempat siap tak?

i guess my forehead was really wrinkled...I'm a serious person..I think hard...hahahaha

tp ter'touch' lah my hati kejap...untung Miss A dapat U..

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